
Haggadah (plural: haggadot) means “story” or “telling,” and refers to the text that guides the ritual of a Seder dinner. A haggadah’s readings will include selections from holy texts, poetry, songs, and even scripted questions and answers intended to draw the readers deeper into the story of the Exodus and the communities which share this story.

I put these very short, very unconventional Haggadot together each year for a gathering of friends to celebrate Passover in my home. They draw primarily from social justice themes and digital culture. While they are influenced heavily by my Jewish background and Episcopalian traditions, they are intended for use by a secular or interfaith group.

Feel free to use and adapt these for whatever you like! Please contact me if you’d like something tailored to your needs, or are interested in curriculum development for schools, after-school programs, youth groups, or community work.

2018 Haggadah (includes selections from Mary Oliver, David Whyte, and Maggie Smith)

2019 Haggadah (includes selections from Robert Burns, Virginia Woolf, and Portia Nelson)