I currently serve as the Children’s Minister at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.
During the pandemic, Children’s Chapel materials are provided in the form of short videos children and parents can watch together.
Some videos are accompanied by supplemental materials, including theological backing and discussion questions parents can use to deepen their child’s connection with the Scripture.
If you have questions or requests, email lily [at]!
For Easter Sunday, here are two videos - one, a shorter version, is designed for younger children and tells the Easter story in an accessible way. The second is designed for older children who are already familiar with the Easter story and includes some homily-style discussion of what it means for us. Supplemental materials for these videos can be downloaded here.
This beach themed video tells the story of “Doubting Thomas” and encourages children to do what the apostle Thomas did - to identify his own desire to connect with and experience Jesus, and to express that desire with the faithful expectation that God will always meet the seeker in the seeking.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
This springtime video (hear the birds chirping!) explains that God is a storyteller, and that all the stories in the Bible tell one big story about God’s relationship with us, God’s people. Jesus reminds the disciples that they have already heard stories that connect to Him, and encourages them - and us! - to be part of the amazing story God is telling.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
This animal-themed video discusses the metaphor of Jesus as our “good shepherd,” telling the real life stories of sheep who left their flocks and needed the help of a shepherd to rescue them. We, like sheep, were created to be close to God, who wants to care for us and help keep us happy, healthy, and free of “yucky stuff” that weighs us down.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
We Are God’s Flowers
This botanically themed video discusses Jesus’s exhortation to “abide in me” from a child friendly perspective. We discuss the way flowers can only bloom when they’re connected to the larger plant, because the roots and branches provide nourishment to keep the flower healthy and happy. God is like the big plant, and we are like the flowers growing on its branches. Being connected to the roots is important!
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
Being God’s Friend
This video talks about what it means to be God’s friend. God cares about us, just like we care about our friends! Just as we enjoy spending time with our friends, God enjoys spending time with us - whether it’s quiet time in each other’s company, or fun and games while playing together! A big part of being someone’s friends is doing things together, especially things that both of you like. God’s favorite thing to do is show love to the world, so a great way to hang out with God is to love and serve others.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
From Pentecost To Today
This video explains how today’s Christian traditions connect us all the way back to the early church and Jesus himself! I do my best to invite children into an ancient and global tradition of song, prayer, study, and fellowship, and encourage them to make their own way along this wide and well worn path.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
Our Spiritual World
This video distinguishes between the physical world and the “real” world, explaining that there are lots of things we can’t see or touch, but which are still real. That includes our thoughts and feelings, and it also includes God! That means that the world of our thoughts and feelings - our “spiritual” world - is important in order to know and connect with God.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.
Connecting With God’s Spirit
This meditation helps children connect with the presence of God that dwells within them, even through the chaos of our external world and inner life. It includes three short periods of silent guided breath along with an animated image, and encourages children to breathe deeply as a way of connecting with God and their spirituality.
Supplemental materials can be downloaded here.